Nitrasol – Liquid Fertiliser

Fertilisers need to be used responsibly and this page links to downloadable Product Safety Data Sheets for Nitrasol Products to help end-users comply with their own responsibilities.

Our terminals have been built to the most demanding environmental standards.  We are FIAS Registered and Accredited.  Many of our staff are FACTS qualified.  And we are leading members of the Agricultural Industries Confederation, the trade body for resposible fertiliser manufacturers.


staff in field

Safety & Regulatory Data for All Types of Fertilisers​

Secure Your Fertiliser

Anyone who stores or handles fertilisers must secure it to prevent it from being stolen.

This responsibility applies to a range of people from importers and manufacturers to hauliers and farmers.

Regardless of the amount, everyone who stores or uses fertilisers has a responsibility to take appropriate security measures and be vigilant.

The Government has issued advice and a 5-point plan to help anyone storing fertilisers comply with their regulatory responsibilities. You can read this advice here.

staff on site

Safety & Regulatory Data for Straight Nitrogen and Nitrogen & Sulphur Liquid Fertilisers

Nitrasol’s clear liquid fertilisers optimise plant nutrition with an ideal mix of nitrogen & sulphur sources whilst minimising gaseous emissions to the atmosphere.  They get crops going in cooler conditions and sustain growth throughout the spring.

nitrasol silo

Safety & Regulatory Data for Straight Nitrogen and Nitrogen & Sulphur Liquid Fertilisers

Nitrogen & Sulphur Fertilisers

Liquid Urea Solutions with or without Sulphur

The Control of Poisons and Explosives Precursors Regulations 2023

On the 1st October 2023, The Control of Poisons and Explosives Precursors Regulations 2023, introduced new substances to the list of Regulated and Reportable explosives precursors and poisons. The regulations brought ‘Ammonium Nitrate’ within the scope of the Poisons Act 1972 for the first time.

Most Liquid Nitrogen fertilisers contain varying proportions of Ammonium Nitrate. The majority of Nitrasol fertilisers contain less than 16% embedded Ammonium Nitrate and are now classified as reportable.

For both Regulated and Reportable substances, any significant disappearances or thefts must be reported within 24 hours to your local police force using 101 (or 999 in an emergency). Please include a reference to the Poisons Act 1972 in your report and if it is a regulated or reportable explosive precursor.

You can read more about your new responsibilities on this Nitrasol Fertiliser explainer and this Government Guidance here.
nitrogen fertiliser

Safety & Regulatory Data for AdvaNShield protected-nitrogen and ammonia-inhibited fertilisers

The AdvaNShield liquid fertilizer range protects and inhibits the nitrogen in our fertilizer to keep growers on the right side of the regulations whilst boosting yields and improving farm productivity.

nitrasol farmer
foliar fertiliser

Safety & Regulatory Data for Specialist & Foliar Fertilisers

Our range of foliar micronutrients fertilisers range includes manganese and magnesium formulations and NitraPro urea solutions manufactured with ATS.

Impact of Liquid Nitrogen Fertiliser on Crop Quality
Nitrasol Manganese 15%Mn 20%S03 [8% S] wt/vol

A foliar fertiliser for the correction of Manganese deficiency based upon Manganese Sulphate.

Nitrasol Manganese 15% Mn wt/vol is formulated as a readily soluble Foliar Manganese fertiliser for the rapid correction of Manganese deficiency in growing plants.

Nitrasol Magnesium 9%MgO 18%S03 [7.2% S] wt/vol

Nitrasol Magnesium 9% MgO wt/vol is formulated as a readily soluble foliar Magnesium fertiliser for the rapid correction of Magnesium
deficiency in growing plants.

field harvest
Neil Thomson
Nitrasol Boron 15% Bn wt/vol

Nitrasol Boron 15% Bn wt/vol is formulated as a readily soluble foliar Boron fertiliser for the rapid correction of Boron deficiency in growing plants.

If you to learn more about our products, we can arrange for one our our local specialists or merchant partners to visit you to explain the unique way in which Nitrasol helps you farm better and more productively whilst minimising your impact on the environment from the most impactful agricultural input.